China should eventually MOVE ahead as they continue to liberalize their economy and government simply due to demographics (having 5 times the population of the USA the Chinese economy will have to surpass the US economy just to keep the people in jobs and clothes as they move out of being a mostly agrarian society to a more diversified nation - though the current forced relocation of entire villages to metropolitan areas could backfire. Which I suppose is another way the USA is currently ahead of China - we don’t forcibly relocate our citizens off of their property to cities hundreds of miles away (or anywhere at all). Of course a citizen’s property in the USA IS their property. It doesn’t belong to the government which can then take it away with no justification at all required. China’s not there yet.
中国总是向前发展的,因为他们继续开放经济和正*府,仅从人口数量看(美国人口的5倍)也能知道,中国经济必定要超越美国经济才能让人们有工作做,有衣服穿,他们也正在从一个农业为主的社会向一个更加多元化的社会转变 - 虽然目前将整个村庄强制搬迁到大都市地区的行为可能会事与愿违。我认为在这件事上美国使用的另一种方式要比中国先进得多 - 我们不会强行让我们的公民搬迁他们的财产到数百英里远的地方(或其他任何地方),当然,在美国,公民的财产是他们的财产,它不属于正*府,可以没有任何理由地把它们拿走,中国还没达到这一步。