6、Military muscle. Chinese learned long before that a weak nation can't grow a strong economy, that's why they pumped power to its military. On the other hand Nehru failed to understand the need of military and fell for western notion of no boundaries (irony is west who propagated it most, are most reluctant to it). It lead to 1962 and chinese phycological gain over India. If Indian leaders had pushed its military muscle, we don't had to pump money to make Army to fight from 2 front.
7、Betrayal of Indian Communist. Chinese are communist but they never vote for Russia on the expense of China. But Indian Communist are different, they supported china in 1962 and they have no shame being called traitors by Indians. Only because of these communist, many development work are stopped and India is facing a serious threat to its resources and police personnels. In the name of Naxal Badi and communism they are stoping the India to become a global leader.
8、Short-sighted leadership. Most of the leaders were not capable to think for future. Chinese started researching about internet soon after it was invented. They understood much before about IT importance and you know what many countries had alleged China to break into their Goverment computer. If India had understood this fact, I'm sure China hadn't been able to break into India's IT. India failed to understand the capitalism and nationalism.
【答案二】Sunny Saurav, 【译注:与其他答案有重叠,故有删减】
[size=10.5000pt]1、The biggest advantage, in his opinion, that China had in the early 1980s was human capital. In 1982, The average years of schooling in China was far higher than that in INDIA, literacy rate in China was 64.4 per cent, compared to India's 37.2 . In terms of healthcare - be it infant mortality, life expectancy - China had a far healthier population. Then there is gender gap. China has traditionally been a society that had encouraged gender equality. India, even today, fares badly on that parameter.
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