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So, I will answer the question, why is China ahead of India in development. For the first 30 years of "independence" both countries had a very similar growth pattern. By late 1970s, both countries were at the same stage of growth. However, since then they accelerated dramatically with the economic reforms by their premier Deng.


India on the other hand, had no such acceleration. Although, we opened up a bit in 1991, the reforms are relatively feeble. Our populace still don't give economic reforms the top priority. We are still debating whether to bring Walmart in or not, while China has successfully brought foreign players 3 decades ago. And 2 of the top 3 contenders to our Prime Minister post are clueless about the economy. India's economy will grow, when Indian voters care about the economy.


【答案四】Glenn Luk,(现居纽约,曾就职于一家印度公司董事会)
1、China began its economic reforms 12 years before India and thus had somewhat of a head start.  Nevertheless, even if you normalize for that, China has still grown faster than India.


2、By instituting the one-child policy, China benefited earlier from a "demographic dividend" - effects of which should start to level off and then reverse in the next five to ten years.  India's demographic dividend is still to come.


3、From the start, China focused policy on attracting investment that would leverage its main advantage - a vast and inexpensive labor pool.  Government policy was very focused on upgrading (i) human development index (HDI) factors such as education, literacy and health, and (ii) infrastructure - both of these were crucial in attracting foreign investors to tap into this labor pool.By contrast, India has not done as good a job at improving its mass labor pool, and you can see that in its low HDI rankings.  Similarly, its infrastructure notoriously lags behind, and that is another key component in basic economic development.  China has simply done a better job improving HDI and infrastructure.